0W-40 Engine Oil

Greyhound™ G-Pro™  0w-40 engine oil is our most advanced fully synthetic engine oil series incorporating the latest technology in engine protection. G-Pro™ Plus 0W40 is a universal multi-grade engine oil with a low friction coefficient designed for use in modem high-output petrol and diesel engines. Greyhound™ G-Pro™ 0W40 minimises friction, wear and fuel consumption, and is suitable for extended oil drain intervals according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The excellent cold start behaviour ensures optimum lubrication safety during the cold running phase.

G-Pro 0W-40 SN/CF

Application: Petrol, Diesel: passenger cars, SUVs, light commercial vehicles.

Greyhound™ G-Pro™ Plus is our most advanced fully synthetic engine oil series incorporating the latest technology in engine protection. G-Pro™ Plus 0W40 is a universal multi-grade engine oil with a low friction coefficient designed for use in modem high-output petrol and diesel engines. Greyhound™ G-Pro™ 0W40 minimizes friction, wear, and fuel consumption, and is suitable for extended oil drain intervals according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The excellent cold start behavior ensures optimum lubrication safety during the cold running phase.

Greyhound G-Pro 0W-40 is fully synthetic high-performance engine oil for use in modern gasoline and diesel engines with extended service intervals. It is recommended for use in turbocharged and atmospheric gasoline and diesel (without particulate filters) engines operating under high loads, where viscosity stability is required over a wide temperature range. It provides easy engine start at low temperatures and reliable protection against wear at high temperatures.

Meets Service Levels: SAE 0W40, ACEA A3/B4; API SN/CF; MB 229.3, VW 502.00/505. Refer to the owner’s manual for detailed manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations.


  • G-Pro™ engine oil has high thermal and oxidation stability, which reduces sludging, and prevents the formation of deposits and thickening of the oil during the full operating cycle of the engine;
  • G-Pro™ engine oil bonds with metal surfaces and provides remarkable resistance to wear, thus enabling longer engine life and prolonged service intervals;
  • G-Pro™ engine oil has high adhesion of an ultra-thin protective film of oil, which does not drain into the crankcase and always remains on the lubricated parts of the engine;
  • G-Pro™ engine oil has fast oil flow characteristics which lubricate engine parts and make starting the engine extremely easy;
  • G-Pro™ engine oil has extreme fluidity and offers low starting resistance to cranking of the engine crankshaft under conditions of low-temperature starting, which provides excellent protection against wear.
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Available Packaging: 1000L, 210L, 20L, 4x5L, 15x1L, 20x500ml
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